If you are residing abroad or you do not qualify to have your green card interview inside the United States then you will need to process your visa approval through the National Visa Center and the U.S. Embassy of the country where you reside. Unfortunately, many clients see this process as an “easy” process of filling out forms and have unnecessary delays due to complications in their case. The Consular Process is a labor intensive process that requires many hours of preparing visa applications, compiling and submitting the appropriate biographical and financial documentation to the NVC and later making sure the applicant has complied with all of the Embassy rules for their interview. In addition, the NVC has very specific rules which are constantly changing. Our attorneys have years of experience with this process and are up-to-date with the latest rules and policies of the specific embassies. Your case will definitely process faster and smoothly with the assistance of Acosta & Fraga Law, PLLC
At Acosta & Fraga Law, PLLC, our immigration lawyers have years of experience with this process and are up-to-date with the latest rules and policies of the specific embassies. You can be confident that your case will be processed more quickly and will go more smoothly with our professional guidance. To learn more, we encourage you to contact our law firm to schedule a consultation.